Hyperpressed brick modern facing material has high technical characteristics, operational and aesthetic qualities and properties. Advantages: • High water absorption.• Frost resistance.• It does not require special care.• durable and durable.• A wide selection of color scheme and textures.• Great vapor permeability.• resistant to temperature drops, heat -resistant.• Ecologically pure.• High seismic resistance.
The use of hyperpressed finishing brick can increase the strength of the structure. Modern material has qualities and characteristics, much higher than that of ceramic and silicate bricks. Does not absorb pollution and is easily washed and dust is washed off with natural precipitation.
The strength of the brick, above traditional materials, withstands large loads and resistant to mechanical damage. Throughout operation, the hyperpressed brick does not deform and does not lose its original aesthetic characteristics and qualities. In production, they use natural material, environmentally friendly. New technologies and modern equipment allows you to make high -quality material with perfect operational qualities.