You built a house, its framework, now it is about the roof, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake, because a strong and reliable roof over your head is confidence in the future. After all, this is what will protect you from the rain, or the scorching sun. And it is better to entrust the installation of specialists, such concepts as sound insulation, vapor barrier, thermal insulation, all this applies to the concept of the roof, because not one layer is needed, in order to make it strong and reliable and that is important lightly. The house will be dry and warm. Its use is also possible for wall insulation. The main trump card is environmental purity, because we live in a world of dubious ecology, plus durability. And if you put good windows to all this, then the house will be guaranteed not only quiet, but also warm. The Internet is abundant in abundance by offers of window delivery of any complexity. Yes, it’s good that in the modern world such a thing as competition is only welcome. If you finished the construction of the house, made the roof, covered it with strong materials, then the next step will be the interior decoration. Well, if the house is on several floors, then it’s a sin not to think about a good oak ladder, this will be your pride, do not save on quality, and this will be rewarded to you ten -year -old fences from repair, breakdowns, and other troubles. After all, do not take if it is taken from proven high -quality sources, serves for a long time, and not only you, but your children and grandchildren can admire the beauty you rebuilt.