Investments in the state

Architectural composition

In different forms of art – music, painting, sculpture, fiction – real, specific images are created. There are no clear prototypes in the architectural creativity that can be seen in the world around him, in nature and human life, and nevertheless, the means of the architectural composition allow you to express in construction such categories as cheerfulness, calm, solemnity, severity, and even irritation and even irritation. When purely architectural means are not enough for this, decorative sculpture, painting, and literary texts can be attracted. This technique is called art synthesis of architecture. By the way, already in ancient times a well -aimed expression was born: “Architecture is the mother of art”. In the most general sense, the word “composition” is understood as “composition” and applies to both the process of creativity (compose) and its result (composition, work). So, in the last century, architects instead of “design” said “composing a project”. “The architectural composition also means the combination and interconnection of all elements of the architectural structure, which, as a result, create the completeness and integrity of the architectural work. This concept is applicable to the design process, to the project and the very architectural construction. The task of the architectural composition is to bring to the unity of all the requirements of the functional, technical, economic and aesthetic order… The term “composition” is applied both to the construction or its project as a whole, and to its parts. The architectural composition is based on the use of various forms of buildings and their elements. In accordance with this, several compositional techniques developed in the practice of construction activities are known. The volumetric composition is expressed in the visual predominance of the volume of construction over other means of expression. Such a compositional technique, for example, developed in the folk dwelling of the North, Prikamye and the Urals in the form of a house with a purse. With such a composition, housing, outbuildings, and the yard itself is grouped so that they become a single compact object under one roof. The actual dwelling is difficult to highlight in the total volume of construction.

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