Real estate

Captain’s cabin or gym?

Both at the same time! Where this is possible? In the children’s room for a boy! If girls need peace and beauty, then boys need freedom. The taste of boys can be varied. Starting to repair the children’s room, you should ask your son about his tastes and addictions. Given the child’s opinion, parents will save in the literal and figurative sense. Minimum of piles, maximum freedom of movement – the basic principle of the installation of a room for a boy. School loads, outdoor games, uncomfortable furniture – all these factors adversely affect the health of children, so they need orthopedic children’s mattresses that prevent the spinal curvature. There is no particular need to stick expensive, stylish wallpaper, this boy will not be able to evaluate this by virtue of his age. One of the walls is recommended to leave empty, so that the child sticks posters with movie heroes or posters with racing machines that he liked on it. If the child wants to hang a boxing pear or wants to equip a room with a captain’s cut, it is worth going to meet him. Under such conditions, it will not be necessary to repair something additionally.

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