State economy

Commercial linoleum – advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of commercial linoleum, first of all, is durability (from 10 years and above), and, consequently, the wear resistance of the coating. The surface of commercial linoleum is even and smooth, but not slippery, which is achieved by the addition of microscopic quartz crumbs.

Linoleum is perfectly washed, covered with a protective layer resistant to damage, can be used in rooms with high humidity, since its basis is not well -fed and felt materials.

An important advantage is the ability to use in rooms with a large number of electrical devices. In the case of non -storage with electricity, the coating evenly distributes the charge, preventing defeat with electric shock. For the same reason, it is an excellent antistatic.

Linoleum is a flexible material that facilitates the formation of a plinth, does not contain toxic substances, and as a result is perfect for residential premises with increased cross -country ability (children’s, hallway), increases soundproofing, it can be installed under it, the so -called warm floor.

The main disadvantage is a less wide range of colors, but for this type of linoleum you can apply, for example, the company logo. As well as the rates for this type are higher than on household and semi -commercial linoleum.

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