
DIY wall alignment

There is nothing complicated to align the walls with your own hands. First you need to prepare the wall. All cracks and areas with exfoliating plaster must be cleaned with a spatula to a solid base.

After that, the entire wall is treated with a primer. Alignment of the walls can begin after drying, it is then that you can achieve the most optimal result in work. For alignment, use plaster profiles (a special profile resembling the letter “T” in the cross section).

Plastering guides are made of metal, with their help it is enough to make an even plastered surface of a given thickness of the plaster layer. As a rule, guides allow you to apply 6 and 10 mm layer of plaster layer. Plastering profiles are located vertically and attached to the wall with a plaster mixture every 1-1, 5 meters.

The first two profiles are attached along the edges of the wall, strict verticality is checked with a plumb line, driven into them at the top and below and pull the cords in the plane of the protruding side of the profile.

Then the other plaster profiles are installed so that their guides touch the cords. After installing all guide profiles, they allow the solution to harden, after which the nails and cords are removed.

Further, using a spatula, apply a plaster mixture between the profiles of small areas and the rule (flat aluminum rail), leaning on the guides from the bottom. As a result, an extra mixture is removed and added where there is not enough. The mixture needs to be diluted with water so that it is convenient to take it with a spatula and level it.

If necessary, apply a thick layer of plaster, reinforcing is used to align the wall. Reinforcing material is a “skeleton” of the plastering composition. To protect the corners, a plastered headphone is used. Installation of Naigolniki is similar to fastening of plastering guides.

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