State economy

How to insulate a corner apartment?

For residents of corner apartments, the issue of thermal insulation of their home is always relevant. A reasonable way out in this situation will be insulated only the outer wall. What to choose as a heater? Most often, glass wool, polystyrene foam and mineral wool are used for these purposes. Mineral wool has approximately the same properties as glass wool. The selected insulation is covered with drywall sheets, and then fixed in one or more layers on the frame.

Many criticize the choice of mineral wool and glass wools as building materials, considering them harmful to health. This is not quite. Both materials really distinguish some microparticles that should not breathe, but only during installation. Closed with drywall, such a heater cannot damage health in any way. Moreover, these materials also have useful properties, for example, resistance to fire. Polistyle foam has a lower thermal conductivity. When warming the walls, it is recommended to use brands with the addition of antipyrene.

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