Real estate

How to properly lay tiles on the floor?

In this article you will find all the necessary information on how to properly lay tiles on the floor.

Do not forget that cladding and laying tiles are not the same. The most important difference is tile. That flooring, that wall tiles are similar only externally, but are very different in their characteristics and composition. So, when laying tiles on the floor, the following stages can be distinguished.

Preparation. You need to purchase tiles at once for one purchase. Because when you arrive a second time, it may not be, and in another store tiles will still differ in something, as a rule, tiles from different parties are distinguished by a color tint. Calculate the approximate number of tiles in advance that you need to buy in order to then purchase a couple of additional ones, otherwise they will suddenly break or get dirty. The acquisition and preparation of materials also refers to the preparatory stage.

Prepare the surface. It must be dry and even. Better and easiest to put the tile on the concrete floor, however, if it has a waterproofing layer. With an uneven floor, the screed should first be carried out. In this case, you should know how to make a floor screed correctly.

If you do not have such knowledge, it is better to invite a specialist. After that, you need to wait until the floor is hardened and only then can be primed using a PVA solution, applying a thin layer. As soon as you start laying the tiles on the floor, carefully inspect the surface so that there is no garbage, solutions and other garbage on it.

Floor markings and tiles. As, probably, everyone already knows, laying tiles should start in the middle of the room, that is, you first need to find the central point of the room. Only then begin to lay out the tile, leaving between them even gaps.

Using glue. It must be applied with neat even stripes using special tools. Next, you can start laying the tiles. After the glue is hardened, it can be treated with a primer. And the last stage is the grout of the seams.

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