Investments in the state

Night club interior in Barcelona

Everyone knows the statement “They are greeted by clothing …” That’s how visitors to the night club meet. At the first visit to the club, it is by the club that the club will judge cooks, maintenance, music. There are a lot of nightclubs today. Competition among clubs is large. Surprising visitors every time it is more difficult and more difficult. Many clubs immediately after the opening are closed. One of the reasons for the closure of nightclubs is the wrong club interior. It is this problem that needs to be given a lot of time and attention, it is necessary to think over all the details and nuances.

One -story night club in Barcelona is one of the best clubs in Spain. Square of the Dance Theater La Cova 500 kV. m. Items, furniture and lighting in a nightclub were developed by a special order. The club is several open spaces that are interconnected by a common theme. The central entrance of the club is trimmed with transparent glass. Near the main entrance there is a wardrobe and a ticket office. Through the central door, visitors to the club fall into the dance hall with a bar. DJ has its own special scene.

The very first thing that attracts attention is this lighting. At the entrance to the dance floor, two lamps in the neo-baro-baro-style lamp hang from the ceiling. Vases-lamps are extended from the floor of stalagmites, which have the shape of a cylinder. Thanks to multi -colored lighting, a different mood is created, sometimes even a magical effect is achieved. Lighting is designed in such a way as to emphasize the cool interior. Light control can be using a computer.

The interior of the night club can be compared with the ice cave. He accommodates 1200 visitors. Here you can hear not only electrical, techno, minimal, but also dance parties that are held every

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