
That we should build a house

We will build a house – we will live. And we will build from wood. Why will we stop our choice on wood in our age of modern technology? Yes, because the tree for hundreds of years has occupied a leading position among materials used to build individual housing. Here are a few reasons why we choose this particular building material: 1. A house of wood can “breathe” – in this way, the apartment maintains constant humidity, which is most comfortable for a person; 2. The tree has high strength – and this despite the fact that it weighs not so much; 3. In the house of wood, heat – wooden walls are an excellent heat insulator, according to this qualitative indicator, wood is better than brick and concrete; 4. The tree is easier in processing – respectively, and the house made of wood will be built faster than from another material; 5. Environmentally friendly material – a tree, perhaps the only material that can claim the title of the most “environmentally friendly”. You can live in a wooden house not only in the summer – how city summer residents are used to think – but also in winter. Farm houses are often sheathed with siding, lining or any other external finishing material. Someone improves thermal insulation characteristics – in other words, is insulated, while others do this for beauty. And both, I must say, will not at all affect the upcoming house in a few years. And if your house is made of timber, it will subsequently be quite easy to repair it, replacing individual blocks if necessary. So, at home in wooden execution will have the right to life for many years. But, despite all the most positive characteristics of the quality of wood, not everyone is available today for various reasons. And for this category of people there are other easy materials that also have quite worthy characteristics. So, foam concrete is actively used to build low -rise residential buildings today. Cheaper material, unlike brick and more convenient and lighter in laying. The climate in rooms built from foam blocks is not very different from wooden. And also claims to be a high level of environmental safety. The building materials market is wide and diverse – choose what impresses you and your family personally. After all, the most important thing is the weather in the house, your comfortable, cozy and warm house.

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