State economy

Wall plaster in lighthouses

It’s nice to look at even walls and corners in your home, and not on crooked and wave. That’s actually for this, the wall plaster is needed.

To facilitate this heavy and gloomy process, there is a plaster in the walls by lighthouses.

How to set lighthouses.

To do this, at the corners of your chosen walls, plots are lowered from the ceiling. Put in each corner under the ceiling one dowel and tie them on a plumb line. When they dump, at the bottom, under each of the plumb line, drive one more dowel one more and tie to them. It will be a vertical level of your plane. Now we tie and pull the horizontal threads to the threads of the plumb line, 2 is usually enough. On these horizontal threads and we will set stucco beacons.

Lighthouses are attached to alabaster or cement mortar with the addition of alabaster (to freeze faster). Depending on the length of your rule, select the distance between them. This is usually from 1 to 3 meters.   They are installed strictly vertically. To do this, on the wall, from the bottom to the top after about 0, 5m, we throw abrasions of alabaster or solution. Now we press the guide beacons into the solution so that the threads stretched horizontally, barely touching their surface. Check the lighthouse on touching its entire height, for this move the horizontal threads up and the bottom. By this principle, set all the guides you need and let them get well. Now that they have dried up and you have stiff guides.

Plastering walls by lighthouses.

Typically, for plaster, silicate mass, cement mortar or finished mixtures are used for plaster. If your wallet allows, it is better to use ready -made mixtures. They are easier to cook and work with them easier.

Between the two guides we throw the finished mixture. A layer of sketched mixture should protrude 0.5-1 centimeters for lighthouses. Having sketched a certain amount (so that it was not difficult for you to level it) we arrange the rule. To do this, attach the rule to the guides and remove the excess layer of the solution, drawing the rule from the bottom up. And so until the space between the guides is ready to be completely ready. If the holes remain somewhere, throw another solution there and stretch it again with the rule. After the space between the first two guides is ready, draw a fresh, but slightly aroused plaster with a fifth.   By the way, on the same principle, plaster of the slopes is done.

To align the corners, use the rule too. For this, the rule is placed in a vertically sharp rib into the corner and smoothed out by the movement from the corner along one wall and from the corner along the other wall.

In cases with strongly crooked walls, when the layer of plaster is large, you need to use a metal mesh. She is fixed with dubiles. The grid is also used for plastering of wooden, metal and other surfaces to which the solution does not stick. The plaster of the walls by lighthouses will give you the opportunity to almost perfectly align the walls of your housing.

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