Not all people are ready to change anything sharply in their lives, one of these reasons can be a family move to a new house or apartment. Awareness of the fact that you will have to spend serious amounts on finishing materials, designer, professional brigade of many leads to awe. Indeed, with the purchase of a new real estate of the old life, it comes to an end: it is necessary to look for temporary housing, analyze prices for construction services and materials, you have to deal with a constant choice and comparison of everything and everything – in general, life turns upside down. For those who are afraid of such changes, we divided the entire process of repairing the apartment into small stages, gradually realizing which you will achieve the result you need.
Stage One – Decide on how you see your future apartment. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of professional designers who cost money. It is enough to study the materials available on the Internet in detail, the benefit of their loud many. Having chosen, based on your financial capabilities, the necessary interior, you can easily be “asking for” and draw up an approximate estimate of repair work, walking through the centers of finishing materials, and looking at the prices for the finish and decor.
Stage two – if you have a large apartment (or at least more than two rooms), then there is no need to repair all the premises at once. Repair the most necessary – bathroom, kitchen and bedroom. So you can get into your apartment faster, spend less funds for repairs. However, this approach also has disadvantages – often after such a move, people relax and the repair of the rest of the apartment is delayed for a long time.
Step Three-delegate only part of the work of the construction team: you can do something yourself, something better entrusted to professionals. At the same time, do not pay the entire amount at once, so as not to take risks, and control each stage of work.
Step fourth – When purchasing building materials, try not to throw checks on them. If you do not repair the apartment completely, then in the future you will definitely need the names, collections, numbers of the parties of your materials so that shades and texture do not differ from previously purchased. You can maintain a notebook in which you will write out all the information, checks and invoices can be applied there the same.